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HP English Cinematic Analysis Essay

Sydeny White is a comedic movie about a tom-boy trying to fit into the Kappa sorority. But she gets kicked out of the sororoty and finds a way to shine on campus by running for student body president. In Sydeny White, James.G.Robinson uses high key lighting, medium shots, and non-diegetic music to portray Sydeney's growth from a sorority  girl to a natural leader.


In the Kappa scenes, James.G.Robinson uses alot of highkey lighting. I believe he did this to expose their leader, Rachel Witchburn, for her dark ways. Rachel Witchburn is number one on SAU's Hot-or-Not list. She is also SAU's current and former student body president, but she only thinks of ways to benefit herself and the Kappas instead of the entire student population. At one of the dances that Rachel is hosting, her ex-boyfriend, Tyler Prince, notices Sydney and dances with her. This is when Rachel sees Sydeny as a competition. In attempt to keep Tyler and Sydeny apart, Rachel kicks Sydeny out of  the sorority. After being kicked out of the sorority, Sydney is taken in by the dorks who live in The Vortex.


In the Vortex, James.G.Robinson uses medium shots. This portrays that the lives of the dorks is not very exciting because they always sit around the vortex. After Sydney moves in, she encourages them to run for student council to make SAU a better place for everyone instead of just the Kappas. As they discuss student council, they elect Terrence to run for president. But Terrence is later disqualified because Rachel discovers that he has graduted SAU six years earlier. This is when Sydney steps up and decides to run for student body president.


During Sydney's campaign preperations James.G.Robinson uses non-diegetic music that conveys Sydeny's determination to defeat Rachel Witchburn. For example, he uses a song with the lyrics, "Stand up, Stand up! I gotta be strong enough". Throughout her campaign, Sydney develops the slogan "It's time to be heard". This catches the attention of more than 50% of SAU's student population, and even scares Rachel into hacking Sydney's computer and deleting all her files. After Sydeny discovers that she has been hacked, she is forced to pull an all -nighter in order to be successful in her debate against Rachel Witchburn the very next morning. Surprisingly, Sydeny is very successful and ends up winning the election.


Sydney White was interesting movie to study. And I think its a good example of over coming adversary. Sydeny was a determined person who was willing to do anything to make her school a better place. She was also sympathetic, unlike Rachel Witchburn, and thats how she was able to get so many voters. And its amazing how she was able to accomplish this in her freshman year of college.


Works Cited:

Sydney White, James.G.Robinson, Copyright 2007


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